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Security Coordination

Security Coordination (DL Nº 273/2003 of 29 October)


The act of building has a significant set of specificities that led to the adoption, by the European Union, of a directive on the coordination system for safety and health at work, in temporary or mobile construction sites (Directive No. 92 / 57 / EEC, of the Council, of 24 June).

This measure aimed at the proper implementation and development of the philosophy of prevention of occupational risks contained in the Framework Directive for safety and health at work (Directive No. 89/391 / EEC, of the Council of 12 June)
https://osha.europa.eu/pt/legislation/directives/the-osh-framework-directive/the-osh-framework-directive-introduction to the characteristics of the construction activity, that is, transposed to Law No. 102/2009, of 10 September http://www.pgdlisboa.pt/leis/lei_mostra_articulado.php?artigo_id=1158A0002&nid=1158&tabela=leis&pagina=1&ficha=1&so_miolo=&nversao=

DL No. 273/2003 of 29 October http://www.pgdlisboa.pt/leis/lei_mostra_articulado.php?nid=1771&tabela=leis&nversao=&so_miolo= establishes general rules for planning, organization and coordination to promote safety, hygiene and health at work in construction sites and transposes Council Directive 92/57 / EEC, of 24 June, to the internal legal order ( here you should refer to the ACT page) http://www.act.gov.pt/(ptPT)/crc/PublicacoesElectronicas/Documents/Guia_Estaleiros.pdf) on the minimum health and safety requirements at work to be applied in temporary or mobile construction sites.

In view of the applicability of the diploma, MODERN assumes the role of Safety Coordination, in order to ensure the implementation of a Safety Management System appropriate to the nature of the work to be carried out, providing for this purpose technicians with training and experience in the areas of Hygiene and Work Safety and Safety Coordination in Civil Construction.

The safety coordinators in the project and on the job play a fundamental role in providing advice and technical support to the decision-making processes of the project owner and in stimulating the action of the various stakeholders with regard to the observance of the general principles of prevention in the stages of preparation of the project. project, contracting the contract, carrying out the construction works and even regarding the interventions subsequent to the completion of the building.

Coordenação de Segurança na fase de Projeto (CSP)

During the construction phase, problems sometimes arise from deficiencies in the project. In terms of health and safety at work, there are deficiencies and / or gaps in the projects, namely as regards the definition of working techniques and methods, the scheduling and coordination of work. This situation is generated, because some project authors have a tendency to think first about the final product, leaving the construction techniques and processes in the background, as well as the necessary equipment for the execution of the work and the organization of the shipyard.

MODERN, as the Project Safety Coordination, ensures that the authors of each part of the project assure that the general principles of prevention are implemented during the design, study and preparation phases of the project.

The Safety Coordination in the design phase has, as the main function, to ensure that the project authors pay attention to the General Principles of Prevention (PGP’s) when preparing the project, to support the contractor in the negotiation with the contractors, elaborate or technically validate the safety and health plan, start organizing the technical compilation and inform the developer about his responsibilities, within the scope of the Shipyards Directive.

Coordenação de Segurança na fase de Obra (CSO)

MODERN’s action as a Work Safety Coordination will depend on the type of work and the defined effects, comprising a minimum set of actions that guarantee the technical quality of the provision of services and the fulfillment of the responsibilities committed to the parties in matters of civil and criminal liability .

The actions to be undertaken by the Work Safety Coordination, in order to meet the legal obligations provided for in Decree-Law 273/2003, of 29 October and guaranteeing the implementation of a Safety Management System in an undertaking are reflected in the following points, namely:

01. Technical validation of the development of the Safety and Health plan (DPSS);

02. Management of Prior Communication to the authorities of the Opening of the Shipyard;

03. Check the coordination of activities, companies and independent workers who intervene in the shipyard;

04. Promote and verify compliance with the health and safety plan;

05. Coordinate the control of the correct application of working methods;

06. Promote the dissemination of information on professional risks and their prevention;

07. Record coordination activities in matters of safety and health;

08. Ensure that the executing entity takes the necessary measures so that access to the yard is reserved for authorized persons;

09. Regularly inform the developer about the result of the safety and health assessment existing at the shipyard.

10. Inform the developer about his responsibilities under DL No. 273/2003, of 29 October;

11. Analyze the causes of serious accidents that occur at the shipyard;

12. Integrate the elements resulting from the execution of the work in the technical compilation.

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